A Study in Ways
Nine Stones in the Waters.
Take it for what it's worth.
To Not Violate
There are no needs only desires and the rights are with the individual never the group. So have permission, ask someone else, do it by your self, or put the desire away you don't need it.
Know this and your path will not violate.
To Be Free
No one can make you angry, no one can make you afraid, no one can make you sad, and no one can tempt you. Only you can.
Know this and your path will find freedom.
To Know Truth
The word of the maker is in our eyes, ears, and nose and on our tongue and skin. It is an unknown and we are part of it.
Believe this and your path will know the truth.
To Be Prosperous
Things that are priceless are seldom of substance and value is always a matter of opinion.
Accept this and your path will be prosperous.
To Have The Light Of Day
Yesterday left when it was and tomorrow is not here, you only have today. You can spend it, waste it, but never save it.
Understand this and your path will know the Light of Day.
To Be Enlighten
Concepts are songs in the silence, paintings in the darkness, and shapes beyond the three dimensional.
See, hear and understand these and your path will be enlightened.
To Find Peace
Love like Faith is an intangible and assumed, never a known. Try and find it, grasp it in your hands, and its not there. Let it go and it will live and thrive around you.
Have the courage to accept and understand this and your path will find Peace.
To Not Error
There are always two paths to deviation and whether its passion and rage or pleasure and profit there is only one way to proceed.
Understand and accept this and your path will not error.
To Have Faith
I know I don't know. I know I am never going to know. I have been given my fathers wisdoms and they have led me to a belief. It has given me a long line of assumptions for I know I don't know.
Believe and understand this and your path will know faith.
Know, understand, and accept these concepts, believe in the maker, and hold truth above all. For it's all in what you believe, so decide, and let your path begin.

Bruce R. O`Banion copyright 2000-11
A Study in Ways